My baby is measuring small 😢

I am 33 weeks going on 34 tommorow. I had an ultrasound today and my baby measured 30 weeks and is in the 10 percentile for average size. I have to have an ultrasound done once a week now until I give birth to monitor my baby's growth. The doctor said my placenta isn't transferring all of the nutrients as efficiently as it should be to my baby. He said it was nothing I caused or could've prevented, nothing I ate or that I eat too little or too much. It just happens sometimes. But still, Ive had a very successful pregancy with nothing but great news until now so I'm somewhat disappointed in myself. I can't help but think this is because I don't eat as much as I should like I've been repeatedly saying for months now. I am trying hard to make eating my number one priority! Any advice anyone please?????