9 weeks.

Totiona • I'm 24, Mother to a beautiful little girl and a gorgeous little boy!!
Is anyone else 9w1d, I'd love to hear other women's experiences right now. I'm prego with my 2nd child. Breast isn't hurting as much as they use to, nipple are still sensitive though. I have no energy, I could literally stay in bed all day prolly and sleep! I feel very unattractive cause I feel so sluggish to even wanna do my hair or makeup... No vomiting but I do get the occasional nausea to where it does feel like I'll throw up at times. I stay starving, but I always feel so sick to where I can't eat. All I want is like salty things, definitely turned off by sweets. Cramps, omg cramps ! Sometimes so intense I feel like something is wrong. Peeing constantly!😫 Especially at 6 or 7 in the morning....EVERY MORNING. .😠 Butttttt... just shows I am pregnant with a miracle baby after a miscarriage in march!