Weird question.. Probably unanswerable.. Feel free to skit it lol

Ok so this might be a really stupid question but I'm just curious. I had my implant removed on the 3rd of this month and my period came the next day. Lasted 8 days so ended on the 11th, although some days were light. I have had the implant for nearly 6 years (not the same one obviously lol) and when on the implant I didn't have periods, the odd spotting but never a period. I'm wondering if when I came off the implant could I have ovulated? Or was the period just like removing left over blood? Sorry TMI. I'm trying to figure this out because of my cycle. I'm having some off/pregnancy like symptoms (I.e. Cramps, all my trousers seem so tight, nausea so bad it woke me up and made me run to the toilet and today I've had some very off spotting?) and I have absolutely no idea when I could have possibly ovulated as I don't know how long my cycle would be or if what I experienced at the beginning of the month was even a period?? 
I was told by the nurse that once the implant is removed I am no longer protected, like immediately after. I'm quite confused as a few people have said that it can take months but I had a period like the next day. Well at least I think it was a period 🤔. 
Does anybody even know what I'm talking about or am I babbling nonsense? I know I'm probably not pregnant, I am TTC but it's probably too early. Just so people are aware I'm not asking if you think I am pregnant, I'm asking if you think I ovulated or not at the beginning of this period and I if you think it was even a period?? I'll obviously wait and see when AF comes again but I don't know whether to count it as cycle 2 or 1 😞 this is hard work! 
I'm all for saying it how you see it. If you think I'm being an idiot please tell me! Lol I'm just confused and curious more than anything..