Infertility/low amh levels.......

Priscilla • 30 | Happily married👰🏻 | mommy to twin boys born 8/19/17 👶🏻👶🏻💙💙 | baby girl due 1/23/19 💖
Hi ladies my name is Priscilla I'm 28 years old and have been trying to conceive for almost a year without success.. I stared to realize something was wrong a few months ago when my cycle changed and my cramps became unbearable I reached out to my obgyn and met with her.. We discovered I have endometriosis and she suggested I make an appointment with a fertility doctor so we could move forward with trying to get me pregnant as soon as possible so I wouldn't suffer anymore.. I was scheduled for a pelvic ultrasound which came back normal. So the doctor thought <a href="">IUI</a> would be a good option for us so that was the plan. The next step was having blood drawn which also came back normal except my amh level (ovarian reserve) was quite low for my age (.58) so the doctor wanted me to have it tested again during my cycle day 3 blood test because she thought it could be just a one time glitch. In the meantime my husband had a semen analysis done and his count was low he only had 1 millileter and they would've like him to at least have 2, his morphology was also low they said he was at 1% and he should be around 4% (they'll be doing another analysis on 7/1) So on cycle day 3 I went in for another blood test and a few days later learned that test came back normal except my amh level was even lower this time (.46) when my assigned nurse called me to tell me the news my jaw hit the floor I was so confused how could this be I'm still young I don't understand.. She broke the news to me that at this point <a href="">IVF</a> was my best option.. I was so overcome with emotion and sadness to learn that I wouldn't be able to conceive a child without the help of my doctor I cried all day but I'm trying to stay positive.. Yesterday I went for a HSG test and I have to say it was the most painful thing I've ever been put through. The test only lasted a few mins but I was in agony. Well the results came back normal my tubes are all clear which is great news. I have a consultation with my doctor on 7/12 to go over what happens next I also have to schedule an appointment with a genetic counselor as well before we can move forward with any treatment. Everything has happened rather quickly and I'm so overwhelmed with all of this.. Has anyone else been through this or is currently going through this?? I could use some insight and support, thanks in advance ladies!