Stopping contractions?!!

As of today I am 31+5 with twins. At their last appointment they weighted 4.3 and 4.13,however that was two weeks ago. The day before yesterday I started having contractions and ended up being 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. They gave me three shots and about 6 drip bags of magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions but it has been two days and to
No avail have the contractions completely stopped. They have given the babies two shots of steroids so far and my dr said that if my contractions don't stop
This morning then they are going to leave me on the drIp until 9 tonight so that they can give one last steroid shot. One of
Two things will
Happen: my contractions will start and the babies will be here tomorrow or they will go away naturally and I'll have to wait in the hospItal until they do arrive. Any mommas have experience with this? Any insight or stories? I'm scared for my babies I know they would have to be in the nicu right now if they came but I know they'd be okay