My princess arrived 6.13.16

My due date was 6.12.16 and I had her 6.13.16! It was a long 4 days of labor. On 6.10.16 I had my last appt and they did a membrane sweep that started my contractions by the end of the night. I went to the hospital 6.11.16 with 2-3 mins apart contractions and was only 1.5 cm dilated spent 5.5 hours in the hospital and got sent home. Once I got home contractions got more intense but I just stood home, didn't sleep because they were so intense. Went back to the hospital Sunday morning 6.12.16 (my due date) and was 3 cm dilated 3 hours later went up to 4 cm and then stopped dilating. Walked and walked, bounced on the exercise ball, went up and down the stairs and was not having any changes. At that point they wanted to send me home but I was having contractions back to back and they were strong ones, so the midwife suggested to break my water but wasn't sure about it because it was still too early and I can get infections so she then decided since I hadn't slept in 3 days and was completely drained that she would give me morphine so I can rest and we'll see how much I would progress in the morning. 6.13.16 when I woke up she checked me and I was still on 4 cm ( she wanted to send me home) I walked some more got back on the exercise ball and then my best friend suggested to sit on the rocking chair since that worked for her. I sat on the rocking chair and literally 5 minutes later I felt some liquid coming out they checked and yes I was leaking amniotic fluid 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼. The midwife walked in and said "you're not going home we are having a baby" she checked me 3 hours later and I was at 6 cm she then broke my water, after my water was broken I started dilating faster. 1.5 hours later I was 8.5 cm dilated. And then 20 mins later I was at 9.5 cm the midwife made me 10 cm and it was time to push 45 mins later 6.13.16 @ 8:21pm I had my beautiful healthy little girl in my arms! No meds totally natural birth. And I honesty don't know how I did it without any meds after being in so much pain for those 4 long days! But I wouldn't change a thing 💜 I'm so inlove with my little girl