School girl crush

Peyton • Married to the love of my life 💍 22 💁🏼‍♀️ Vegan 🌱 Artist 🎨 TTC#1🤰🏼They/She
Ok, so I have been with my boyfriend for 9 months exactly today. I love him unconditionally and we're going to get married no doubt. Absolute love of my life. 😊❤️ We hang out with his older cousin a lot and he's such an awesome guy. He has a 6 year old son and it's the most adorable thing to see them together. I have a little schoolgirl crush on him. I would NEVER do anything, but I get fan-girly around him. It's more of a "you're so cool" thing than a "oh my god, I want to jump your bones" thing. I feel weird about it. Am I in the wrong? Should I feel guilty? Help! 😁