Why is divorce so hard?

I know I'm not in love with him anymore. We were together 13 years and 7 years married. We have 3 gorgeous boys. I am just extremely heartbroken that I broke our family up. He is still madly in love with me and has now realized how emotional abusive and controlling he was to me. He says he's changed and sometimes I see it and other times I don't see a change. He didn't want the divorce and he still asks for another chance. I've gave it to him multiple times but it still doesn't work. So we're continuing with the divorce. I'm so scared he's all I've ever known. We've been together since we were 14 years old. Got pregnant at 15 and overcame so many obsticles over the years including losing a baby a few years ago. I'm so afraid of being lonely. He was my best friend and still is but I just don't see him like my husband. I don't want his touch etc.  we're putting up the house for sale and moving closer to family. I hate that the kids have to start a new school. I'm not sure why I'm making this post. I guess to vent. But does this get easier? Is it normal to feel heartbroken? Lonely? 
We did try marriage counseling but it didn't work for us. I had to much pain and I am now seeing my own counselor to help.  
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Yes it's normal its part of the process i assume felt the same way but now I'm feeling better about myself and I knew it was for the best to end my marriage... If you've tried it so many times and it didn't work you shouldn't feel that guilty it just means things weren't meant to be 


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Its hard because its something that you hoped for and it didnt work out. Even if you dont love him anymore, its still a goodbye and goodbyes are difficult.


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I chose to leave also. Same reasons. I actually hated him by the time I left. But the guilt of leaving was immense. Guilty for leaving our home, taking our kids, for giving up on our happily ever after. But it wasn't happy for me, not anymore. I was very lonely. I was pregnant. But it did get easier. I'd say it took 3 years to talk without speaking from a hurt place. It took a little longer to forgive myself for giving up and doing what I needed to. It's been 8 years now, I feel like he is better off and i know he never truly changed. I feel bad for his current wife but it's no longer my concern. I have a good husband now. :) 


Agent • Jun 26, 2016
Yes my ex did that for about 3 months, I had to get an order or protection. But that hit home for him. It stopped a lot of the stalking.


Stephanie • Jun 26, 2016
I'm the same. Sometimes I hate him. Like really hate him. Whe I don't give in to what he wants he starts to say really hateful things. He starts stocking me to see if I'm cheating on him. I'm glad to hear that what I'm feeling is normal. Thank you.


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I'm in the same boat. I have no answers but for me time just makes it a tiny bit easier. Good luck momma 


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I still hurt from my divorce even though I know I needed to leave. My ex was emotionally abusive and an addict. I couldn't help him. I tried. I have a good man now and we're building a life together. I am happy now but the pain is still there. I think it just means you really did care.