Anxiety and trying to hard

Hi all, I just wondering whether anyone has ever suffered with anxiety and depression whilst trying for a baby, me and my husband have been through the mill abit, 2 years ago I had a breakdown which caused me to attempt to take my own life. With medication and support through my gp and counsellor I was able to feel myself again, but over the past 6 months things have become difficult, we have been trying for a baby for over a year and in March I was pregnant only to suffer a miscarriage 6 weeks into my pregnancy. Every month is an emotional roller coster, where I feel failure as a woman when I get my period. I try not to be so negative but with my friend announcing they r pregnant on Facebook really doesn't help and with celebrities getting pregnant it's hard not to get emotional. Does anybody know of any strategies that can help combat this issue before I go backwards again? Xx