Is it worth it to test? Does anyone think I could be pregnant?

So I usually have very heavy periods that last five days. My cycle is 30 days long.
My last period was may 25th-29th.
And it was on going. 
This Month I got a clearblue ovulation and tracked my peak for the first time. Having a 30 day cycle would mean I would be due the 25th.
I had cramps and It felt like my period coming on the 23rd i had a heavy bleed that night. But it was mostly brown and dark. So I thought it must be aunt flow. The next day it got really light not normal for my periods. I usually use supers and when I took the tampon out only a  corner was covered in brown and red discharge and it only happend twice during the next day. Saturday it was even more seldom. It happend once or twice when I took my tampon out THAT night there was nothing but specks of Brown. So I started bleeding on and off from from Thursday night- Saturday afternoon. This is really only 2 days if u think about it. And my period was suppose to come later Which is why I'm in shock does anyone think I should test? Or do u think it was aunt flow.