Detox and body cleansers

So recently I've been on Instagram more and I've seen this page called "thebodyshotbar" specializing in weight loss & detoxification. I've seen all the results from everyone else & I'm excited to start it next month I think it'll really transform my life . Ever since I got on birth control & paid no attention to myself I gained so much weight. Which caused me to lose myself , I'm hoping this product brings my confidence to a new level . Being back to my high school weight of 122 - 142 would be great. being almost 200 pounds just killed my sex drive , I feel as if I'm not as attractive as I used to be my face , nose has spread its really difficult to feel comfortable in something . I see girls who are twice my size and still kill it but that's not me  I've never been this big. I plan to get back on birth control tho but this time I'll go on a strict diet, really look after myself. I miss the old me. BUT anyone who has ever drink a weight loss tea or done some cooky diet . let me know ! Suggestions are welcomed!