'Am I pregnant?'

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
I am very sorry that this is going to be a rant but every single day there's probably more than 40 posts about whether someone is pregnant or not. I understand some girls/women don't understand ovulation, pre cum and other ways of getting pregnant. However if you have unprotected sex you are always at risk of getting pregnant. If you aren't trying for a baby then please get on some form of birth control. 1. To prevent pregnancy and 2. To not have that panic every single month that you could be pregnant. You can get BC from so many different places, your doctors or planned parenthood if you don't want your parents knowing. It makes me sad to think of all the girls out there who could be pregnant and having to go through picking options or having a child they didn't want. It's such an easy way to solve a problem just get on BC. Rant over! Stay safe everyone x