Thoughts on makeup

I love my natural face. I love the shape of my nose, everything about my eyes, my lips are full to my liking, and my cheekbones are quite nice. Despite my remaining teenage acne, scarring, and almost colorless eyebrows and eyelashes I go out with little or no makeup most days. I feel beautiful like this and that's fantastic. 
I also love using makeup. I use it to define my brows and lashes and make my blemishes less noticeable because it boosts my confidence. However, the rest is purely for art. I love making my eyes as big and blue as possible with eyeshadow, liner, mascara, and occasionally lashes. Blush accentuates my cheekbones and make them look incredible. I'm also not afraid of my high forehead and have learned to use it to my advantage when making my face look slimmer. I feel beautiful like this and that's fantastic. 
You'd have to pay me to go out like this though...It's not a filter. I actually put a line of tape straight down the center of my face and did exactly half of my makeup 😂
Do it yourself and post pics!