I SHOULD be pregnant this month.

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

I've always gotten pregnant with barely "trying." My husband and I have a 11 yr old son and 8 yr old twins. First son was conceived in one cycle. And our twins were conceived the month my depo shot wore off. Our first angel baby was conceived with just one try... it ended in a MC and I needed a D&C . And my other loss was also conceived the first time we tried. Which was an ectopic preg. That required surgery. Fast fwd 8 years.

We started "really" TTC our last baby last/this month. but for the past 5 months we been,"not trying not preventing". But june was it. Finally starting to try. I went thru the TWW. again. with new symptoms I never had before. Felt optimistic. We timed bd perfectly. Ovulation confirmed with opks, bbt, CM checks, etc. We don't just bd during my fertile days. Anyhow, AF showed up right on time this am. I just can't stop crying. I know there are people who been ttc for years and this sounds ridiculous to them.but for someone who has never had a problem getting pregnant right away, it's a major blow. And confusing. Maybe it's not our month. Maybe it's not meant to be then idk. But with each cramp I have I just don't know. I can't stop crying. I don't want to do anything. I'm just sad. Mad. Confused. Put the bbt them away. Put my opks and hpts in the drawer. And took my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">fertility apps</a> off the home screen. Not tracking anything this month.