Husband made a one sided decision and I'm not too happy about it.

So my husband and I took a day to go out of town and just enjoy each other. The day was going absolutely amazing, everything I could dream or imagine. Until he got on his phone while we were watching tv. He turned around excited as hell after a little while...he then proceeded to tell me well ask me what I thought about him taking a job in Atlanta only on Saturday nights at a radio station from 8pm - 10pm...mind you we live 2 1/2 hours from Atlanta! I sat there thinking for a minute weighing the pros and cons I am a very open minded person but I do not believe that we will benefit from this in any way...( my husband is into music ) his only argument for doing this is he can spin his own records and make sure that his record gets played because it is a BMI station. ( whatever the hell that means)  so me being the rational one I said 2 1/2 hours for one night is not worth the gas or the time. He will only get paid 110/month and 100 dollars if he does an it is not even guaranteed money!!!  I said I'm against it and he said hat it does not matter he is going to do it anyway. I AM DOING THIS FOR ME were his exact words smh! He has 2 kids that we get every other weekend. I don't mind watching the kids but I just feel like he should have considered them in his decision as well before just jumping head first into it! I feel like he is putting this so called music career ahead of me && really ahead of everything. What do you think about this situation? Any advice is welcome. Thank you!