"Are you sure you're not pregnant?"

I want a baby. My mom knows this and supports me, and is actually very excited to be a grandma. Anytime something happens to me, she kind of... Jumps the gun.
"Mom I just threw up, I think I got food poisoning"
"Are you sure you're not pregnant?"
"Mom, I'm going to go pick up some new deodorant for (husbands name). I got a whiff of his the other day and suddenly hated it. It makes me gag."
"Are you sure you're not pregnant?"
A few days ago: out shopping with her, put some tampons in the cart. Ask her if she has Tylenol in the car because I'm having bad cramps.
"Are you sure you're not pregnant?"
... They were period cramps. I had just bought tampons. I'm the only one in the house who uses them. Yes, I'm sure I'm not pregnant!
I love my mom, and she's going to make a wonderful grandma. I can't wait to have a little one! She's just as excited