What would you do?

So my boyfriend is currently visiting family and friends back home and he's supposed to be going on a trip with some friends next week. I've got zero concerns about this. I'm glad he's seeing friends he hasn't seen in a while. But I've just found out I'm going to be headed back to where he lives this week (my family is originally from where he's from). I'm
going for my baby brother's funeral and I'll be staying with my family. The funeral falls on the second day of his three day trip. I really want him to be there with me because I just don't know how to get through this. I could use his support. But we haven't been together very long (about 5 months) and he hasn't seen these friends since Christmas. I don't really want to make him feel like he has to choose or anything. I know if I ask he'd top everything to be there. But he's been planning this trip for months and then this just comes up in the middle of it. I'm really just confused and all over the place right now so I was just wondering what you would do in my situation?
Of course he knows what's going on. And I will tell him the date (it was set a few hours ago and I haven't spoken to him yet). But I was thinking I should just give him the information and tell him he can come if he wants but that he shouldn't feel obligated to. 
Thank you. 

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