Didn't know where to put this?

So my SO and I have been together 6 years and recently decided to break up cause I can't deal with his past cheating and I always have it in the back of my mind so we decided to split instead of me always nagging him on where he's going and who he's talking too.  Well, about a month ago, his mom gave him (us) $10,000 to put a new furnace and central air in our house. It was a gift. She also gave him $4500 to add on to our driveway with cement for our camper. Now she's wanting the $10,000 back from me because it was MY house that it was put in and he is moving out. (The house is in my name) I do feel bad for waiting till she did this for us. The only reason I decided to break up now is cause he was "talking" to the girl he cheated on me with again. So I said no, time to get out. 
Do I legally need to pay her back? I mean, I love her and it's just surprising she's being kind of bitchy towards me. I will probably pay her back some, but not ALL. What would you do?