
I am 8 days late for AF, still no sign of her ugly face showing up! I'm usually 30-31 day cycle! Never more than 31!  Last cycle was May 17th!
I have took a pregnancy test at 6 days with FMU- I see a BFN
I have had horrible indegestion, lower back pain, slight to severe cramping in my stomach every now and again, bbs nipple area (tmi) is sore and tender (just in the last few days), constipation, gas, fatigue, hungry feeling and if I don't eat I get super nauseated and if I eat to much, creamy milky cm in the beginning slowing down some now but still very much there, and bloated feeling! 
Are these signs of AF? Do I wait another week and test again? First time TTC! How late have you been before getting a BFP?