So nervous...

A week ago today (at 6+5) I had some bleeding and rushed to the ER. Found out I had a subchorionic bleed and was put on bed rest/pelvic rest for a week. I went to the doctor the next day and they pretty much told me not to get my hopes up for this pregnancy. After just having a miscarriage in February, I don't know how I'm going to handle going through that again. I had some blood work done, my hcg levels only rose very slightly (about 100 points) and my doctors are still concerned. I've been spotting ever since Monday, and go in for an ultrasound today to see if the baby still has a heartbeat. I am beyond nervous, and am hoping and praying with everything I have that this little baby sticks and is doing alright. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. 😔