The hormones are beginning to hit...


I have been fairly lucky when it comes to hormones this entire pregnancy and I'm 34+1. I've only had a few meltdowns and outbursts honestly!

But starting saturday... They've hit hard!

Saturday I found out that my mom and sister went and bought a dress for my shower without me (no invite to go and no mention of it until after) and my mom even bought my sister clothes (she's 26, I'm 21) and the dress... but she didn't buy our daughter anything for my shower. She made tons of excuses and said it was because she didn't know what we needed... even though I registered. It just felt like I had been punched in the gut and left out in the rain lol its not about the gift at all, frankly it's just stuff. But my mom couldn't be bothered to do anything for us but bends over backwards for my sister.

Then Sunday at my shower my grandma gave me a blanket that was knitted by my great grandma for my mom. And wrote the sweetest card about it being knitted with love and knowing she would always be wrapped in love.

The other day my husband was trying to feel our daughter kick and was getting upset because she wasn't moving. And he told me that he was tired of me being pregnant and that he wanted her here already. And that he couldn't explain it, but he missed her even though he had never met her. But all he wanted to do was hold her. (He is not the emotional kind so that made it even more sweet to me) Now all I can keep picturing is him walking her down the aisle and dancing at her wedding and I'm just a mess again.

And my SIL is pregnant and due on new years day and everytime I look at the picture of us at my shower I start crying all over again because I can't wait to see our girl and her boy/girl growing up together as best friends!

What're you emotional about?