Love & sex

So 3days ago I have been talking to this guy for a month and we ended up meeting in person I'm 14 he is 16 so he came in my sister in laws house my sister in law was fine with whatever we did so that night I ended up giving him head and it was my first time and he fingered me but man that felt so amazing he wanted to fuck me but idk something in my gut was telling me not to 😕 so we ended up going to get food in my sister in law car we had the music blasting giving each other kisses and all holding hands but I was being quiet idk if that turned him of then we came back and the food wasn't cooked right so we went right back to tell them to make it again anyways by the end of the night when we ended up smoking I gave him head again he didn't leave till 3 so I told him let me walk you out and he like no ,no one could no about us the only reason no one could know about us is because of my family and because of his baby mama witch there not together she has her own boyfriend and all but I didn't want o message him first because I felt thirsty I felt like he was being dry with me so I waited a day and the next morning he had made TBH post so that that right off that bat blew me so I went we off on him and told him "I can't believe you used me and don't say you didn't because all the shit you told me was bullshit...I should have known you didn't want nothing serious with me your the second person that did this to me I can't believe I was going to trust you giving you my Virginty when you were just bullshit filled my head up with lies just to get your way with me couldn't you have just used a Thot instead of just hurting me💯😞 I should have just went with what my Bestfriends were saying about you but my dumbass ain't listen 🙁 all that "I never felt like this about no one" was bullshit I bet the "I love you" was bs too👎🏾 I understand that you probably weren't feeling the connection like you said you wouldn't but if you weren't you should have just told like I told you too because I wouldn't have done nothing with you because I told you when I do something with someone I get real close I ain't going to beg you to be with me because that ain't me😐 it would have helped to tell me so I wouldn't catch feelings 😞" he told me that he didn't use me That if he wanted to use me he would have got head and left instead he hung out with me and bought me food and this and that so he told me he didn't feel a connection but man let me tell y'all this I never felt like this about no one I don't know if he didn't feel a connection because I wasn't really being my self because I was shy I don't know if I should tell him to give me another chance what should I do?