Miscarriage help.!!!

Cocoa • In tune with nature💆🏽 College Student👩🏾‍🎓Medical Assistant 🚑
So my periods normally last 7-8 days this month it lasted for 3 days even and the first and last day was mild spotting but server pain.
I was unable to move due to the pain and I learned I had a miscarriage . 😔 I've been pretty down, but now that today would be the 8th day I'm experiencing server lower back pains, weight gain, lower abdominal pains periodically and super emotional for no reason. 
Once I found out about the miscarriage my Dr advised I continue to take my prenatal a which has stopped the morning sickness.
Is it normal to still have symptoms ?
Twins run in my family so is it possibly that I lost one and can still be pregnant ?
My boyfriend and I have been trying and well aware of mental effect.
I'm concerned, and don't want to get excited yet.
My Dr is on vacation so...