My True Love

To My Love, 
  I remember like it was just yesterday how you came into my life abruptly. I remember that smile of yours and your adorable laugh. I remember worning myself to not get involved and continue on with my plans as a single woman. But something about you drove me crazy. You gave me this sense of calmness that I so desperately needed but at the same time gave me such overwhelming feeling of power, like I could soar in the sky and never come down. A feeling I was craving for so long and never thought I would find. You made me remember how to breath when I was drowning. My hero. I look back and remember all the times we have had, the good ,the bad, all of it. How welcoming you were to me into your family, how welcoming your family was to me. I'm not an easy person to love and I'll be the first to point that out, but your still here. I remember ever word you told me from when we first started hanging out and doing things together. I remember ever promise you made me. I remember when you first told me that you were IN love with me, tears streaming down your face. And you told me you didn't expect me to say it back but you took the words out of my mouth that night, I love you, I was IN love with the man of my dreams. I swore it would never happen and it did.... And I still love you, I'm still IN love with you.But you don't see how you kill me everyday and continue to everyday. How the insecurities I've worned you about overpower me to points im ashamed of. How everyday I'm constantly trying to remind myself that not everyone shows love in the same way. Reminding myself that you aren't a very open person so just because you don't say you love me with as much as enthusiasm as you use to doesn't mean you don't anymore. We have had pretty hard times, and although we have fought through them, they are never erased. I will remember it all, just like I do the good. And although you are my savior and my hero, you are also my murder and villain. As you continue to love me with distance and I continue to have such unspeakable doubt, we only kill each other. I don't think you will be the one I marry,although I hope you are. I can't force myself to leave because I strive everyday to get you to see in me what you once did. I will let you continue to love me one day and not the next because I can't fathom a life without my love. I hope one day we will come out stronger then ever and make everyone jealous like we promised each other we would. I hope one day I steal your last name. I hope one day, I will be easier to love. I hope you will continue to excepting of my crazy as you were when we first stated. As much as I worry about losing you, and our problems getting the best of us, I refuse to leave. As long as you want me to stay I promise I will be here. And even if a day comes were you tell me you don't love me anymore, I will leave for you, but still one hundred percent fully head over heals in love with you. I will always love you, stand by you, and cherish you. 
              Sincerely Your Love.