False positive

My period usually comes on time or a few days early, so when I was going on being 4 days late and wasn't having my usual pre- period symptoms, I took a test and it was very faint but it was positive!! 
I thought about not telling my husband until I was more certain but I just couldn't believe it and I told him! We told each other not to get our hopes up and I planned on taking another test that morning. Neither one of us got much sleep that night. I spent most of my night praying that no matter what happened my faith in the Lord would remain strong. I told God that I would not blame Him for this " false positive"  The next morning I started my period. My Lord, My God  placed peace in our hearts and we agree it just wasn't time. My God is good and He knows the cry of our hearts. False positives sting but do not let them control your happiness. Save the deepest part secure soul for Jesus Christ Himself. We are ok! 😊
I am 28 my husband is 30. ( for those who wonder)