Need advice for nap time

Hannah • Hey my name is Hannah. I am a 27 yo SAHM 💙👶🏻 💙4/29/16 💙👶🏻 💙4/23/18
My LO is 2 months old. He sleeps great at night we have a routine were he gets a massage, eats, soothes then he gets put in the crib and puts himself to sleep. He then sleeps 6hours before waking again. He is an absolute dream at night. Nap time is another story. When my MIL was her she would hold him and rock him to go to sleep then while he slept. Now she's gone and I didn't think he could be spoiled at this point But he is having a hard time. He eats, plays, then when I try to put him down he instantly screams. I have tried swaddling but he hates having his arms restricted, I have tried swings, bouncers, I have tried walking with him when he does fall asleep he gets woken up the minute I put him down. I can't constantly hold him. Any advise?