Ellie Rae made her appearance!

Our little princess made her appearance 1 day early today @ 10:05am. She is 7lbs 11oz of pure sweetness and 20in long.
We were at the hospital at 6pm with 1 minute contractions, 4 minutes apart for 3 hours and they sent us home at 9 because my contractions weren't strong enough.
Went home and I had bloody stool at 9:30 and vomitting after a hot bath and the strongest contractions of my life last 2 minutes and 3 minutes apart. We called the hospital back to make sure they'd take us again and the nurse said "whatever bring her back and we will check her again."
Angry as I was, we went back.
The same nasty nurse hooked us up and I explained my concern for the bloody stool and vomitting and she said "what? You want to go to the ER cause we don't do that here."
And it took everything in me not to smack her. Much to my own happiness the doctor came in and said I was 5cm and I was staying!
Admitted at midnight, epidural at 2:30am, fully dilated at 5am. There was an emergency call so I had to wait until 9:15to start pushing but it was worth it. 10:05 she was out!
No tearing and just a little sore from the catheter.