In need of advice 😶❤

So last year in July, my ex boyfriend and I started talking and when we did it was magical. It was like we were best friends from the start, but there was more to it and we both wanted more so we started a relationship. After about a month or so, he told me he was unsure about how he felt for me and I completely flipped my shit and decided to call it quits. That was incredibly stupid on my part because no matter what, he was always in the back of my mind and I'd always think of him and our relationship. I'd see him every once in awhile and one time, in January, I gave him a blow job but there was nothing more to it. Since then, we've been friendly, almost like aquantinces. But we started talking again last night and it felt like I was the happiest I've been in months, we were talking and flirting and laughing. He told me he'd missed me and I was so happy to hear that. But his relationship of 6 months is put on hold and I'm not sure what to do. He wants a relationship with me and I want a relationship with him. But I also don't want to be his rebound. What we've decided to do is to start off as friends and see how it goes. I'm going to wait and see how it goes but is there any other advice you could give me? Xo -nicole