Need to vent: Feeling sad and confused

I been hurt by my babies dad and I feel bad for my kids my 3 year loves his dadd my newborn is be binding with him but he said he will change and will do right but my walls are up I have no trust at the moment i question my self about all this ( I know some of u will bash me I feel but I don't need it ) pleSe like he done some crappy stuff he even left me at the hospital all Alone while i just had my newborn n he was there for the birth n left me but said " I'll come back once r family is gone "  n I called m texted nothing he stoped by with my son cause I kept calling for my son I was scared to the point he was gunna steal him away which I new that won't happen but who knows n now I'm confined n want he best for my rugrats n there's no trust cuz he cheated on me n I didn't kno till 8months pregant n I been up n down with this crap n now found out he was talking to another girl who he said " they were friends " but she told me she didn't kno about his Kids n he told her he was single n I left  out of town .... So I'm stuck here n think how can I get out how can't I just pick up n go how ugh sorry so long 💔😢😔😞