

I ate four sugar cookies today. Three yesterday. I feel super guilty. Like I am feeding this is to my unborn child. 😭 I keep looking for healthy alternatives to ease my sweet tooth. So far I have fruits, but that causes me lots of gas 😧😯. This guilt is making me search up healthier recipes. That has the protein and vitamins and whatever I need for my baby. I want real hearty food.

Edit: I forgot to mention the article that stirred up everything inside me. First it stated the importance of healthy eating. Then it started saying stuff like "just cause your pregnant and everybody tells you how hard and special you are doesn't mean you can be eating junk food. It all goes to your baby, since your pregnant actually its worse. So being pregnant think of your baby, would you feed all of that to him. Its actually a social mistake to encourage pregnant ladies to give into cravings... Blaah blah" This is why I was all feeling guilty. I have lots of people around me who always give me food and what I want so that last part really struck me. Anyways I feel better now. I am eating healthy and doing what doctor told me but I guess some/several cookies a week won't hurt.