Ugh!!! RANT!

I'm posting anonymously in case someone on here knows me or my family. My brother and sister in law announced tonight that she is 4 weeks pregnant. I'm more than thrilled for them! She knows my husband and I have been ttc for 4 unsuccessful months and she looked right at me and said "it happened on the first try. I didn't have to take ovulation tests or anything" her and I have had our differences because of these type of comments. When I found out I was pregnant a few years ago with my now son she said "most first time pregnancies end up with a miscarriage so don't get too attached" being hormonal and in my feelings it really rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't respond I just left the room with tears in my eyes and dumbfounded that she could even say such a thing. Since then her and I have never had a good relationship. I'm sorry but I have to express my hurt somewhere! Yes, I am a little jealous they were able to conceive so quickly but I'm just hurt by the unnecessary comment. Sorry for the rant. Now over! Best wishes ladies!