27 weeks pregnant and getting a divorce 😢

So my husband and I have been together a little over 3 years and been married almost a year and half of that time. We have a daughter together who will be two in about 4 months and I'm currently about 27 weeks pregnant. Through out our time together we've been through a lot of rough times and he's moved out and eventually came back when I let him. I've been through him talking to other women, him being a drug addict and all around just treating me like shit. I've had two miscarriages since we've been together also and he never supported me through out those hard times. He actually moved out the day before my d&c and was sending me nasty texts in the hospital when I had my last one. But I've always taken him back because I love him so much and I have a strong value in marriage especially since I grew up with divorced parents. But it seems like we've gotten back to this part of our relationship cycle where we're on the edge of breaking up but I know if we separate this time it is going to end in divorce and I'm going to move on with my life. We've been fighting really bad the last few weeks and tonight he didn't come home or even have the decency to let me know he wasn't coming. My only problem with leaving is that I am dependent on him 100% right now. I'm currently not working and don't have a vehicle because he got rid of it, I'm currently on probation, and I don't really have anywhere to go. I really don't want to be alone with a newborn and a two year old but I also hate feeling the way that I'm feeling right now. I feel completely isolated and alone and don't know what to do. Really needing some advice.Â