So Frustrated!

Olivia • 22 years old, single momma 👣 Dominic A. was born April 28, 2016 👶🏼
My son is now 9 weeks old and he's still getting up every other hour at night to eat. He's formula fed, and we do the normal bath and 6-8oz before bed. I usually put him down at around 9:30 but for some reason, he'll still get up in two hours and want food. It's so frustrating for me because, not only am I barely sleeping and doing this alone, but his formula is $50 a case (we get the pre made liquid formula because powdered upsets his stomach) and we burn through a case way too fast. He won't take more than 7oz before bed, trust me I've tried. I keep the room dark and quiet, I make sure he's warm and all his gas is out but nothing is helping! I'm at the point where I'm almost yelling at him because I'm so mad, and I feel awful 😭 He sleeps for, maybe, 7-9 hours a day (midnight to midnight) and is eating, on average, 25-30oz a day. I know that he's eating a lot but if I try to feed him any less, he screams. What am I doing wrong??