
I posted a question yesterday saying basically, I took plan b 2 weeks ago after an slip up and I start my period in 13 days now. Just yesterday I had unprotected sex & YES I KNOW I SHOULDNT BE TAKING PLAN B EVERYTIME I HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX!!! But I am getting on BC by next week. So I went to go get the plan b pill I haven't taken it yet....some people were saying don't take it again & don't worry you'll period will come and others are saying take it. I asked my local pharmacist if I should take it again she said " Yes" and I called the advice line on the back of the plan b box just to see if it was safe to take it again & the person told me yes. Should I really take the pill or just wait until my period comes?? I know it's gonna REALLY mess up my cycle I am aware of that. Also the person I had sex with did pull out but I am still worried about pre cum.