So I think my eating disorder is coming back or at least I've let it come back....

After loosing my twins, I was heartbroken but after I came to grips with it and found peace, all I could think about was how much I despised my post baby stomach. It was disgusting to me. Before I got pregnant I was taking adderall for my ADD and I couldn't wait to be put back on it after I had my babies. Since I was told it would take about 6 weeks for the post baby weight to subside, I did everything I could to make it go down faster to no avail. Then I noticed it started shrinking on its own and now just last Thursday since my in laws are out of town I've started starving myself and it's been working. I know it's not healthy AT ALL and I know my husband, who doesn't quite understand it, says he rather me to do that than the laxatives, which is wrong I know, but I just don't feel like eating.Â