Whose in the wrong

I'm 21 and am in a long distance relationship with a 28 year old. He and I started dating about two months after my 18th birthday and right off the bat my parents didn't like him because he was older and we met on a chat room kind of website. They made me cut all ties off with him. But we've found a way to keep in touch. So for the last 3 years he and I have kept our relationship from my family. I only met his family recently so it wasn't a big issue that he hadn't met my family. But earlier last week he started asking to meet my grandparents and parents and everyone. I told him give me time and I'll try to find a way to tell them. Truth be told I was ready to tell my parents everything until I went to see my boyfriend roughly two months ago. I had driven 6 hours to see him as a early birthday present. And I picked him up from work. He was happy to see me. That is until he started getting calls from his ex. And when I confronted him he said she was crazy and texts and calls him all the time. That ruined our weekend obviously and I haven't seen him in person since.
But last night he was determined to force me into telling my parents about him. Saying its the right thing to do. And that if I didn't he would call them today once he got to work.
I just don't feel like it's the right time and he things that they should be told today. 

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