Boy help. 🙄

Since me and this guy have met, we've been inseparable. We have an insane amount in common, we are super comfortable around each other, and we goof off like we've been friends for years.. It's only been about six weeks. We aren't officially together because it's a little complicated but there is a commitment we both established we aren't looking for/seeing anyone else. So here's the confusing part: the first four weeks out of the six we texted all day everyday never failed. Then he stopped messaging me so I starting texting him first and he'd reply right back like he'd been waiting for me to. Then last week we barely talked at all because I don't like to play games like that.. Out of the blue this past weekend we hangout and talked about it all and it was perfect again! Then Monday, I texted him and he NEVER replied. Which he always has. And just that morning we had incredible sex! We haven't talked since I sent him a text that said, " ok I'll leave you alone then." What is going on?