Rant about rice!

I get really pissed off when my inlaws tell me i need to eat rice or im going to starve my baby.

I'm sorry but last i checked i DO NOT need to eat white rice three times a day for my child to be healthy. I get they birthed in the Philippines and that its their daily food consumption but it is not mine, never has been and never will be.

I'm constantly being put down about not liking filipino food but HELLO! I eat it everyday with y'all. sorry i don't eat absolutely everything that is made like sardines and fried tilapia or liver but i eat what is good to me and i feel terrible if i don't eat the food but i do not want to force myself to eat something that is unsettling to my stomach. I love my inlaws and know they want the baby to be healthy but telling me things like the baby will starve or eating rice 3x a day is healthy for me is just ridiculous. Theres an abundance of healthy food i eat yet it's not filipino food so to them it's offensive i eat it instead of dried sardines in the morning. Give a girl a break!! Please..... I've tried everything they've ever made some i like some i don't. It's the same with them, some american food they like and some they don't. I don't get offended when they don't like the food i make because i know how different our food preferences are.