Does this sound like pregnancy or something other?

Hello, fairly new to ovia.
I wanted to ask some of you ladies who've experienced pregnancy before if such symptoms I'm having sound like early symptoms. Please and thank you. 
Well for the last four months I wanna say I've been taking metformin to help regulate my periods and help ovulate , it's done both as evidence by CM now, this month my partner and I tried to conceive according to ovia during my "fertile window/ovulation" and my period would've been due the 22nd according to ovia but to me at the latest the 27th , last months period started the 24th. I'm now experiencing sore breast not super sore but sore to the touch, my nipples will sometimes stay hard, no period of course, weird sensation/slight cramping or tingling feeling down in my pelvic region, extremely fatigued most days, and all around hungry but not for anything in sight  if that makes sense lol and some body aches. Not sure if it's in my head or I should test or wait some more days. It'd surely be such a wonderful birthday gift after ttc for six years. 🙃 please help any advice or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.