Boyfriend wrote a letter to his ex.

My boyfriend dated this girl (we'll call her Jules) for 1 year. He broke up with her and has since told me that they were never physical because she was in an abusive relationship previously to him and she wasn't comfortable with being touched. He has also told me that they were more like friends rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. Well, I've recently found out that he's been keeping in touch with her through Facebook and such (they broke up about 2 years ago, he dated another girl for about 5 months, and now we've been dating 7 months). It bothered me that he's been messaging an ex and I expressed that to him. He reassured me they were just friends and that she's actually in a serious relationship. I looked at their messages and they were just having a friendly conversation...Anyways, she recently got engaged and he was just saying how proud he is of her for finally trusting a guy again and he told me that he wrote her a letter once he found out she was engaged. I think it was just to congratulate her...I'm trying not to be a crazy girlfriend and get all paranoid, but it just bothers me that he wrote a letter to his ex. He also tells me that I remind him of Jules a lot and sometimes he'll talk about her and funny stuff she used to do. Idk...should I be bothered by this? It's not like he talks about her all the time or anything...I just don't know if this is normal, because he's my first BF.