Ladies... We need to stop slut shaming each other.


This is referring to the top post about the girl who has been with 80 people in 6 years.

Why is it that so many women feel that it's okay to call a woman a slut because of how many men/women she has had sex with?! It's bad enough that men call us sluts if we've been with more than 10 people in our lifetime. Cmon ladies, get your act together! We should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down! As long as a woman or man is practicing safe sex... Then who cares how many partners they have had?! Most people enjoy having sex, if they're not in a relationship or if they don't want a relationship then what is the harm in getting a little consensual action? Furthermore, why is it assumed that a woman has no morals just because she enjoys having sex?!

When I was her age my number was 30... 30 people in 3 years. Now I'm 30 years old and up to 35... happily married so that's where it's staying. I like having sex. I didn't have a steady partner so I slept around a little bit. No regrets. I was always safe, never had an accidental pregnancy or and std or sti.

Point is... Its bad enough we get criticism constantly and are pressured by society to live up to some "beaver cleaver goodie two shoes " standard, when a woman comes on here for advice let us not try to bash her on her life choices and just try to help. If you have no KIND words of wisdom, then keep your ignorant opinion to yourself.