Rocky relationship..

So I have been battling trust issues with my husband since we've been married...3 years. A month after being married he cheated physically on me. Followed by other ways of cheating & lying. I left for 8 months & decided to try again. So anyways... I am having a hard time refraining from smart ass comments when he says something to me. For ex: he works with a dude that has a gf. My husband sees them more than me. Anyways last week we were having a Conversation & he proceeded to talk to me about this girls mouth. Like..what? Why would you be staring at her mouth & then tell me? He also listens to every little thing his friend says but if I go to open my mouth he makes this disgusted face like "shut up" basically. So today he pissed me off by going to their house after work (he originally was working 45 min away & then all of a sudden he was at dudes house)in the opposite direction of our house! I wanted so bad to say "so how's her mouth look today?!" He puts cologne on EVERY MORNING before going to work outside doing concrete construction with dudes! I couldn't keep my smart ass mouth shut. I made sure to say "don't forget to Smell good for your dudes today. I don't know how to stop feeling so mad & betrayed by him. His friend calls his girl MULTIPLE TIMES DAILY & he works with my husband but my man can't even call me one his lunch break like he says EVER. Hell he talks to anyone but me! Now he says "I can't call you when I'm sweating my ass off" well how's your friend using the phone? I'm not stupid but I am stupid for going back & thinking I'd mentally be ok. I told him yesterday we weren't even friends anymore... Should I just ignore him & give him a taste of his own medicine? I don't want you to be calling me to talk if I had to get pissed off to make a me that means your doing it bc you feel you have to.