So my fiancé said...

I recently had a pregnancy scare in June; I skipped May and AF didn't come until CD 59. I'd taken 5 cheapie tests and all were negative. At his insistence, I went to the gyno after I was 2 weeks late and she said it was stress (med bills and a car accident within a 2 week span). My HCG blood test came back negative at 0. When he got home and I told him everything came back negative and alright, his face fell. He told me he was honestly disappointed that I wasn't pregnant. We aren't trying, and always use condoms, so.... 
But I can't stop thinking of how disappointed he was. I didn't know that he was holding out hope that I was pregnant, I thought he was crossing his fingers for the opposite. I've tried talking to him about it, but all he says is "You know I want to be a dad" and he changes the subject. I don't know how else to talk about it. 
Has anyone else been through this?