Turnabout fair play or being a bitch?

C&G <3 • Whelp we are a comfy family of 4

So I've posted before that me and the husband have been well not communicating well. We were doing great after LO was born but he had said he would take off from d&d and that didn't happen, he was going to help get up at night but that stopped after less then a week, now he has started back to working out at martial arts school . And when he does get home after work if he feeds our LO ONCE I'm lucky usually he comes in says hi and then just goes lay down and goes to sleep hell he slept from 4pm to 8am the other night...... hell I'm lucky to get any help lil man has been colicky so if i have had more then 1hr of sleep a night in the past week i consider that a blessing 15min stretches are rough, plus keeping up with the bills, housework, dr appt and home cooked meals nearly every night plus my older son has reading yo do over the summer and i haven't left the house in over 2 weeks in part due to anxiety over our lil one and just exhaustion.

I'm just emotional, tired and hearing him snore away as i am up again feeding and bouncing our lil one has brought me to tears. I fear taking the pain meds my doc gave me because i might go too deep into sleep and not hear our LO! So my episiotomy is just kind of getting neglected and i MISS taking a bath i really just want to soak in epsom salt so while he was out working out i put our sons bouncy seat in the bathroom with a ready bottle and diaper and soaked, fed then finished soaking.

So for the past day I've stopped making convo stopped with the laundry service. I'm tired and today he wants to talk how I'm being "distant" no ive just given up.

Fuck it......anyone else felt this way just overcome with exhaustion? And stopped giving a damn?