Is there anything I can do?

This is a long story bare with me. Im married now with a kid im a sahm and expecting another we live i guess a middle class life working hard for our money and not spending where not needed. Anyways in my teen years i was put into this jewish seminar kind of program by my parents after high school against my will and it was basically an accredited program that gave you college creddits for jewish studies combined with an online college program so you could get actual creddits online coupled with the jewish studdies ones to work towards a quick degree. I was reluctant to sign up but the administrator a rabbi pushed me into it. To sign up I had to take out loans as my parents couldnt pay and I couldnt get financial aid for the program. I took out loans and started the program my gpa was 4.0 sparkling and I worked hard for it!! Anyways I had a friend over one week a girl and to make a very long story short we ended up hooking up and having sex 🙈 I was 19 it was my first experience but I enjoyed it I kind of becane in a relationship with her. (she wasnt in the school) and the school found out because I told a friend. Now I know these acts are against judaism and all and also christianity but I was a kid it was not on school premesis and they werent my parents but they threw me out of the program over it. It was really unfaire! and Imagine my embarassment having to tell my parents why i was thrown out my dad is a rabbi😞 anyways. Heres where this is still relevant to my life when they threw me out of the program I could no longer afford the college part because I was losing half the creddits from the jewish part which was from the school very cheap and my parents were paying for it.

But since I couldnt go they wouldnt give me the creddits I pleaded with them to work something out with me but they wouldnt they said I was a bad reputation on the school. Anyways I still get calls from the loan department for those loans and the interest has made them impossible for us to pay off! Im so angry because I was really working towards that degree and would have gladly paid my loans but with a family of soon to be 4 and many expenses I find it so hard and annoying to dish out hundreds a month. Sooo does anybody have any advice is there anything I could do legally as I know kicking someone out for being bisexual which I am is against the law. 🙁 Any advice appreciated thanks.