Cycles after ectopic


A • TTC double Rainbow baby. Miscarriage in February and Ectopic in May. 💕 it will happen- I just know it 🙏
Hi there, did your ectopic surgery (removal of a Fallopian tube) end up changing the length of your cycles... More than just after the first cycle? I knew I'd be a little out of whack until I got my first period but now that I've had it, I was expecting to go back to my 30 day cycle with ovulation on day 17 (it's always been like clock work) & now today is day 17 and still a very negative OPK. I hope I still ovulate 😩😩😩 ?!?!
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My cycle used to be 30 days before ectopic and now it's 33 days so it's a little longer. Right after my ectopic my cycle was shorter than normal (28 days) and gradually got longer over a few months.


Posted at
But periods were more regular after I had my sergury it's like it reset everything but also after words I was on birth control to help with cramping and I hate birth control ugh 


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I'm sure everyone is different. But I get my period every month and I don't take ovulation test but my husband and I are trying but not trying at the same time. What I do think is weird and I'm not sure if its just me but do you have cramps on the side they removed the tubeon? 


Amanda • Aug 30, 2016
I had my ectopic and tubal removal about 4 years ago and I had the pain during af for a couple years


A • Jul 6, 2016
I do too! & it's really weird but sometimes I even notice a sharp pain on the side with the removed tube when I go pee! It's really strange. How long have you been trying since surgery?