Would you be mad?

My husband and I got the keys to our new house today. My husband had to work, so my friend was supposed to come help me start moving things in. When we first looked at the house all the carpet was pulled up as they were replacing it, so I mainly looked at space, and floor plan. This house is in a very nice subdivision and had the perfect amount of space we needed. We had to fill out an extensive application, and the lease was very thorough. I felt like the place would be just perfect for our little family. Well when I went in today to start moving I quickly realized the house was filthy. I called the property managers office and they said they were sending out a cleaning crew. The cleaning crew shows up really fast, except it's not a cleaning crew, but the landlords wife with a mop and some paper towels. She spends all of ten minutes cleaning, part of that sweeping the dirt from the tiles into the carpet! There also is a huge spider problem that I couldn't see when we looked the first time. I was promised that the house would be clean and like new when we moved in and I am just so mad. I also don't want my so who's due in August to be covered in spiders. Sorry I just needed to rant. What would you do? Not to mention it cost 2000 to move in.