UK mummies, advice?

Hello to any UK mummies! I'm wondering if any of you have managed to get an early ultrasound (at maybe 8 weeks) just because you were worried? I don't really have any cause to worry, apart from being paranoid and having a bad feeling that somethings gone wrong, but would love some reassurance before we announce to family. If you did, how did you get one? Who would I contact? I've had one GP appointment but no contact from midwives yet. Thank you! 
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I had one on Monday, made the call on friday. They do offer early scans at epu, they should have gave you their numbers at your appointment. They'll do it from 7 weeks for cramping with bleeding or previous recurrent miscarriages, suspected ectopic etc.


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Hey. I met with my midwife on Tuesday (I am 7 weeks today I think) and she has referred me to an obstetrician tomorrow to see if they want to do an early scan. I had an MC in December at 13 weeks and my baby was a triploid so need to see if there is a risk of genetic issues with my rainbow baby. Does the 7week scan show much detail? You can also pay for private early scans, they range in price from around £35 - £99. They can do them from 7 weeks. That is maybe an option if you don't have any luck with your GP/Midwife ☺️


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Say you're not sure if you're last period was actually one and that you think it might have been implantation. 


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Emma, this was Mondays, baby measured 7+5. There's not a great amount of detail but seen the heartbeat yolksac and can see that s/he's head down. Had to do an internal cos it was too early in the morning for a full bladder but plenty going on


Emma • Jul 3, 2016
Thanks! Fingers crossed! The scan on Friday was external but Monday's will be an internal so hopefully they see what's going on better


Nicola 🐟 • Jul 2, 2016
that sucks! Good luck


Emma • Jul 2, 2016
I got an early scan on Friday but they couldn't see anything in the dark black area. I have to go back on Monday for another one. I really hope that there is a baby in there and it was just hiding 😕


Posted at
Yeah you just phone your local epu and let them know how worries you feel. They will give you a time to come in to get a quick scan for reassurance.