Tried inducing!

Went yesterday at 39.5 weeks to try inducing. Doctor will be going on vacation for a week furthest I can go in his practice is 41 weeks.  Was on the medicine pitocin for 11hrs. They continued upping the dose every 30 mins. I never made any progress in dilating. I had contractions but they weren't bad or that painful. I decided to stop cause I can't be hooked up to the med forever. I was 1cm 50%. I was given the option for csection, wait 8 hrs and try again or go home. The medicine mixed with no food I had the worst headache, felt awful. It was awful how sick I was. I feel better today. And have 7-10 days for my baby to come for I have do do it again. Has anyone ever tried inducing and left and went into labor on their own? This is my first baby.  I pray I start dilating more in the next 7-10 days. Due July 3rd 3 days