Weird periods...

So I've been on an ultra low dose birth control pill for 6 months now. The only side effect I've had is my breasts got bigger and I did have spotting in my initial 3 months. But in my 4th month my period didn't show up at all and then in my 5th and 6th month it showed up in the middle of the pack and I wouldn't bleed at all when on the sugar pills. It's common to get your period in the first 2-3 days of the active pills (for my pill) because you only take 2 sugar pills but my period shows up around day 14. So it's more like breakthrough bleeding than a period. I never had this issue before on higher dose pills but those pills gave me nasty side effects so I switched. 
I can't see my doctor for another 2 months so I just thought I'd see if anyone else has experienced this. Also I've taken a pregnancy test and it was definitely  negative.